Stakeholder Consultation for Policy Recommendation to Foreign Employment Act, 2007 Amendment
National Network for Safe Migration (NNSM) with support from the ILO Nepal, under the Migrant Rights and Decent Work (MiRiDeW) Project, organized a Stakeholder Consultation (Residential) for Policy Recommendation to Foreign Employment Act (FEA), 2007 Amendment on 17-18 January 2025 at Dhulikhel. Advocate Shom Luitel facilitated the consultation and made a presentation on the same. The participants actively engaged and provided their constructive suggestions to the amendment draft of the Act. The key objective of the consultation was to discuss and compilation of recommendations on the amendment draft of the FEA, 2007 that will be submitted to the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MoLESS) in a three-column format.